Took A Break This Morning…

… from deadlines and writing assignments to visit the local Post Orifice, and what do I find there but numerous parcel notifications, and my long-awaited Concealed Handgun License!


So, at this particular moment, I’m sampling cookies from FarmMom and Dixie, stashing Monster Hunter International into my briefcase for reading later tonight, and thanking my lucky stars for the friend that sent me these:


If you attend many conferences or trade shows, I’m sure you’re familiar with the ubiquitous name badge holders they give to participants. Typically, mine carry my ID badge, banquet, party and raffle tickets, and as many business cards as I can stuff in there.

And usually, the badge holders comes with a lanyard embroidered with the conference name or that of one of its sponsors. Over the years, I must have collected a hundred of the things. Well, those days are gone, because I now have my very own Browncoat lanyards!

Now, how cool is that?

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