Inside EMS: Now On iTunes!

Episode 9 of the Inside EMS podcast with myself and Chris Cebollero is available for your listening pleasure.

Give us a listen as Chris and I talk about the Field EMS Bill, and argue over the efficacy of ALS in prehospital care. At the Guest Table is Don Lundy, NAEMT President who talks about EMS advocacy and the implications of the Field EMS Bill.

Listen to Episode 9.

For those of you who have been begging for an RSS feed and iTunes support, we have heard your plaintive cries in the darkness! To download any episode on iTunes, simply go to the iTunes store and search for “Inside EMS podcast,” and it should bring up free download links for each episode.

RSS feed link to the Inside EMS podcast.

Now you have no excuse not to listen! Go forth, my flying monkeys, and make Inside EMS the most popular EMS podcast on the Intarwebz! When we complete our quest for world domination, I promise you will be on the protected rolls!

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