Sumdood Sightings…

Since I came face to face with my nemesis, LawDog has noted a number of his nefarious deeds. MonkeyGirl has laid eyes on him (or one of his doppelgangers. Sumdood knows I’m after him, and isn’t above using decoys), and Tigger recently cared for a couple of wannabe thugs who thought they were tough enough to tangle with a Master of Evil.

Recently however, Generic ER Nurse stared evil in the face, and lived to tell the tale. In so doing, she discovered a chink in Sumdood’s armor:

I once looked Sumdood right square in the eyes on the street, and he started to come at me. I didn’t have my nunchucks on me, so, in an act of desperation as my life flashed before my eyes, I opened my purse and flashed my health insurance card…that made his skin slough off and he ran away into the night. Apparently, Sumdood can’t hold nor possess a health insurance card.

Before you go doing something stupid and voting Hilary into office so we can all have free health insurance, just remember that Sumdood already qualifies for Medicaid, so he’s obviously not affected by government-sponsored healthcare coverage.

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