Next week, I’ll be at the Texas EMS Conference doing my thing with my EMS partners in crime, Gary Saffer and Jules Scadden, and the EMS Newbie, Ron Davis.
If you’re planning on attending the conference, here’s where you can catch us:
“Pediatric ALS Workshop: All The Stuff You’re Scared Of, Plus What Actually Works” is running all day Monday, November 22. Workshops begin at 9:45, 1:00 and 3:30.
“CPAP For Dummies: So Easy even a Caveman Could Do It” is in Ballroom D from 10:00-11:00 am, Tuesday, November 23.
“Redesigning EMS: Everything We Know is Wrong” is in Ballroom E from 3:15-4:15, Tuesday, November 23.
I’m giving the closing keynote speech, “The Last Lesson: Put Your Heart Into It” on Wednesday, November 24 from 11:00-12:00 in Ballroom D.
While you’re browsing through the conference schedule, draw a red circle around any lectures given by Larry Torrey, Jules Scadden, Wes Ogilvie, or Jeff Brosius. They’re all worth hearing.
Hosts and fans of Confessions of An EMS Newbie are getting together for drinks and outrageous lies war stories wholesome EMS fellowship at Icenhauer’s Pub at 7:30 Sunday night, November 21. If you’d like to attend, RSVP as soon as you can.
Ron Davis and I will be doing a live podcast of Confessions of An EMS Newbie from the conference, time and location to be announced. When I’m not being flogged like a rented mule speaking, I’ll be hanging with Ron Davis and the nice folks at EmCert (Booth #1622) in the exhibit hall, meeting folks and signing DVD’s and tee shirts.
Check at the EmCert booth, the EMS Newbie Facebook page, or follow Ron (@rondavis007) or myself (@AmboDriver) on twitter for the latest info.
We’ll see y’all there!