Kilted to Kick Cancer Spotlight: Stingray of Atomic Nerds

Stingray, the stoic male half of the Atomic Nerds, has some of the coolest ink you'll ever see on a person, but the reason he's doing the Kilted to Kick Cancer fundraising challenge is because of the tattoo borne by a loved one – the radiation targeting symbol on his father, who fought and beat prostate cancer. A couple of years back, I vowed never to forgive him because of this picture (safe for work, but not for appetites), but it's hard to stay mad at a guy who brews beer as sublime as his various recipes.


Of course, Stingray got wind of the good-natured gamesmanship between Jay G., NJ Dive Medic and myself, and came up with something to trump us all.

If he wins the fundraising challenge, he's going to live blog his own prostate exam.

Straight from the horse's mouth:

Here’s the deal. Y’all send me to gun school or full first prize, and I’ll go full Couric on this bitch. That’s right, I will schedule and liveblog my own prostate exam. Well, not *live* live. I’m not going to put up a video stream, you weirdos. And the doctor’s office might not have wifi, but I’ll haul the laptop in and record the full blow by blow for posterity. I may be a little young to need the check regularly, but that’s kinda not the point now, is it?

That's evil, underhanded, diabolical, and fiendishly clever. I ike it. The only thing that could top it is if he live-blogs his own prostate exam while dressed as Katie Couric. That'd be… epic.

He's a scientist and IT professional, shooter, brewer of the finest beer in the southwest, and possessor of a sense of humor drier than the current Texas summer. You can support his fundraising efforts for the Prostate Cancer Foundation here, and LiveStrong here. Drop by his blog and tell him you support what he's doing, and drop a few bucks in the hat for cancer research while you're there. If even 20 people who read this donate only $5 each, we'd be $100 toward a very worthy cause. Every little bit helps.

He's Stingray of Atomic Nerds, and he's Kilted to Kick Cancer.

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