Haven’t updated this in a while… but the weight has steadily been coming down.

Weighed in at 272.6 today, down 3.4 pounds since Wednesday.
Not bad, considering I ate whatever I wanted during the holidays and haven’t been in the pool in two months.
For those keeping score at home, that’s 127.4 pounds less than April 14, 2023 and 137.4 pounds less than my heaviest in January 2023. Off BP meds and anticoagulants entirely and the only thing I take is diclofenac, which will probably continue until both knees are made of some non-ferrous metal.
Next week starts a new wrinkle to the regimen: Mon-Wed-Sat-Sun I do at least 100 laps in the pool, Tuesdays I weight train focusing on arms, Thursday is leg day and Saturday is chest and shoulders. I figure if I can build some muscle mass in my thighs, that will take even more stress off my knees.
My resting BP is 106/68, resting heart rate is 52, and I can do 100 laps (2500 meters) in the pool with no problems. My PR is 164 laps (4100 meters) and one day soon I’m gonna shoot for 200 in three hours.
That’s 5000 meters, roughly 3.1 miles without a break.
Who knows, I might even shoot for it tomorrow.