Blatant Self Promotion…

…alternatively entitled, Brother Can You Spare A Comment?

As some of you know, I have a monthly paying gig with the nice folks at, an entire website devoted to EMS news and events, with a sizeable stable of EMS luminaries as regular columnists.

How they ever got suckered into signing me on, I’ll never know, but I am ever grateful for the undoubtedly alcohol-fueled wise decision to bring me on board.

Now, my scribblings there may not be of any interest to my non-medical readers…

..but I’m starving, people. For comments, that is.

Like Sumdood’s minions in their search for The Precious, we wants comments. We needs comments. Gollum!

So go pay me a visit there, and let me know of what you think. It’s witty, insightful, profanity-free and non-fattening…

…in short, everything that this blog is not.

In addition, has a new feature called, which is a sort of YouTube for us stretcher jockeys, but without Chris Crocker begging us to leave Brittney Spears alone.

And you know, that’s a shame. Every public forum oughta have videos of an emotionally overwrought, androgynous Emo boy crying on camera for our general amusement. Somebody oughta post a Chris Crocker EMS parody forthwith.

And while you’re at it, put up a decent version of my Theme Song. I’d appreciate it.

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