Inside EMS Podcast: Technology Edition

In this week’s episode of Inside EMS, co-host Chris Cebollero and I discuss the adaptation of new and emerging technology by EMS providers. In it, we engage in a pretty good discussion on the potential benefits of EMS point-of-care ultrasound.


I’m of the opinion that new technology helps us be more accurate in our assessment and diagnosis of patients, and that more accuracy if NEVER a bad thing, even if it may not change what interventions we provide, as of yet.

Key phrase being, “as of yet.” Things change rapidly in medicine.

Chris, on the other hand, is of the opinion that all us kids with our newfangled transistor radios and ultrasound machines and video laryngoscopes and rock ‘n roll music should just get off his metaphorical lawn. In his day, all they had was a Sprague stethoscope and a set of hands and eyeballs, and by God, they were grateful.

Go listen to the podcast, and weigh in with your opinion.

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