Some days, it’s hard to remember you’re a healer.

I read PawPaw’s blog fairly frequently. He’s got a lot of good gun stuff, political commentary and just observations on life in Louisiana. But I suspect somewhere along the way, he got a raw deal from the health care system and it left him with a bad taste in his mouth about health care providers in general. He vents some serious vitriol in a recent rant, and I despair of ever trying to change his mind. We see the same things wrong with the health care system, we just disagree on the reasons.

All too often, I rant about what ticks me off, and unleash my snark on the things and people I dislike in my profession, and my persona on this blog is far more cynical than me in real life.

Okay okay okay…maybe just a little more cynical than me in real life. But I still get a charge out of what I do. EMS has never filled my pocketbook, but it has filled my soul, so to speak.

But occasionally, you question why you do what you do, and how somewhere along the way the honor of your profession and the healing arts got perverted into something like this.

After you read about Crack City Doc’s day, you’ll know how easy this job can crush your spirits if you let it.

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