Shameless Blog Whoring, Part Deux

The reciprocal blogroll has gotten longer, and many thanks to folks who have linked me.

I’ve added two links to my daily reads list. Medic scribe’s first book sits in my bookshelf, and at first read a number of years ago, I was struck by the fact that it is a true representation of EMS, and darned little “look at me, I’m a hero” blather. Me likey.

It shows his growth as a medic, warts and all. When I wrote my book, I endeavored to do the same, albeit with my own twisted and admittedly profane sense of humor. If you’re an EMS professional, give him a read. Heck, even if you’re not an EMS professional, I still think you’ll find it a realistic, altogether human peek at what we do.

Now if you like guns, humor and snarky political commentary, pay South Park Pundit a visit. Me, I cain’t get me enough of all three. He’s a daily read. Pay him a visit – you won’t regret it.

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