For those of you with children…

Sandy G. points us to an important issue about child car safety seats in her blog:

“Car seats save lives. It’s absolutely essential that parents put their children in them while driving,” said Jeff Gearhart, the Ecology Center’s clean car campaign director. “However, some car seats are safer than others when it comes to chemical composition. makes it easy for parents to
choose the least toxic car seat for their child.”

Well, that’s just swell of them!

Maybe, and I’m just spitballing here, if your little tricycle motor has the opportunity to gnaw on his carseat as you drive…

…maybe you don’t have him strapped in correctly there, genius.

I’m just sayin’, is all.

On a related note, consumer safety advocates have determined that roofing shingles contain high amount of carcinogens and petroleum distillates. So the next time you’re puttering around in the garage while your toddler climbs around unattended on your roof, you might want to keep that in mind.

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