You Guys Are The Best Readers, You Know That?

I mean, you read my inane little scribblings faithfully, you make nice comments, and you point me to cool stuff on the web all the time.

Your votes helped put America’s Wounded Heroes over the top in VA Joe’s contest for some much-needed startup funding, and whenever I bring a worthy blogger to your attention, you click over there en masse and show your support.

Well, one of my readers has another cause that could use your support, and a worthy one it is, too.

Many thousands of our troops will be spending the holidays overseas, in dangerous and dusty places, risking their lives to defend not just our country, but the principles and ideals upon which it was founded.

They’ll get care packages, cards and letters from home, and they’ll treasure every item received as a small slice of love and family, or a symbol of the nation they volunteered to defend.

However small the gesture, it means something.

In a time when politicians, pundits and the synaptically challenged speak from one side of their mouths about supporting our troops, yet advocate measures that would render their sacrifices meaningless out of the other, it’s important for those troops to know that their service means something to the people they are defending.

I’m not one to pass on chain letters, or propagate memes (even though I’m a sucker for playing along), but it occurs to me that if even half of the 1200 or so daily hits on this site were to send just one Christmas card to an overseas soldier, sailor, airman or even one of Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children, and urge their friends and fellow bloggers to do the same, we’d have a groundswell of support that would dwarf last year’s effort.

So please guys, go by Yikes! and read about Operation Love From Home 2007.

Then send a card. Heck, send two cards. Urge your friends to do the same. Challenge your blogreaders and fellow bloggers as well.

However small the gesture, it means something.

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