When I Was A Child…

…I used to go around singing James Taylor’s Fire and Rain, only somehow the lyrics got twisted in my little three-year-old brain until the second line came out “Suzanne Flanzimay will put an end to you.”

I didn’t know who Suzanne Flanzimay was, or why she had offed James Taylor’s friend, but evidently she was one bad bitch.

I still check under the bed for her before I go to sleep.

That memory was dredged up by a couple of hilariously misunderstood song lyrics posted on a couple of blogs I follow. First, Cranky Prof’s kid mangled the lyrics to You Are My Sunshine and forever changed the way we both will remember Louisiana’s beloved singing governor.

Second, check out A View From The Mushroom for a music video that will forever scar your fond memories of Creedence Clearwater Revival.

There is a Beverage Alert in effect, people.

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