Small Victory

Just a short note, since we’re in danger of being overrun by the sniffling malingerer brigade sick people here at PGHNSTRACH…

Remember the paramedic textbook I was asked to review, the one that had all the PSH and misinformation about firearms in it?

Well, I got a look at this edition of the text while I was in Baltimore. All the PSH about “automatic weapons”…”high powered assault rifles”…”multiple victims from assault weapons shootings”…”military weapons are more dangerous and powerful than hunting weapons” and similar tripe had been deleted.

Also gone was the blatant propaganda erroneous assertion that gun control legislation as a public health initiative has been successful at reducing gun violence.

The only things left were some factual statements I suggested in place of “Aaaaaaggghhhh! Assault weapons! Bullet hose! Blood in the streets! Bodies everywhere!”

Or words to that effect.

Nice to know that common sense does indeed break out sometimes.

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