The Blogosphere Is A Truly Small Place

Not long after I started blogging, I got a regular reader and frequent commenter from across the pond, named Emma.

Emma blogged, as The Mad Asthmatic. She was charming, and sunny, even though afflicted with asthma so vicious it let her housebound most of the time. I enjoyed seeing her frequent comments, and clicked through to her blog every now and then to see how she was doing.

Well, I learned today through the comments on Random Acts of Reality, that Emma died on January 17th at her home. She dialed 999, apparently suffering from yet another asthma attack, but by the time the EMTs arrived, she was already gone. Gone too, is her blog.

Not quite sure how I feel about that, other than to believe that the skies are a bit dimmer over London after her passing.

Rest well, Emma. Breathe deeply of the clean air, now that you can.

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