Y’all Wanted Pictures?

I got yer pictures right here*…

Father and daughter, stylin’ and profilin’ with their matching shades.

KatyBeth, getting ready to ride, with her Joe Dirt Signature Model mullet blowing stylishly in the breeze.

Her Mom and Grandma insist on calling it a layered cut, but as far as I’m concerned they ruined my daughter’s gorgeous waist-length hair. Gotta admit though, it is easier to comb, and since she looks like she has bed head 24/7, we’ll be able to devote that thirty minutes every morning we’d normally spend perfecting her coiffeur to some other worthwhile pursuit – like sleeping in.

Just throw on a flannel shirt with the sleeves cut off, tuck her little Copenhagen can in her back pocket, and we’re ready to go…

Don’t worry, Strings. I’ve got your picture coming.

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