I’m Bad, I’m Nationwide

Courtesy of Native American Nurse, a bunch of us from PGHNSTRACH went to the ZZ Top concert tonight. The last time I was at a ZZ Top concert was well over twenty years ago, and a lot of things have changed since high school.

Back then, bare titties were plentiful and you could get a decent contact high by just breathing the air in the arena.

Now, all the boobage was held up by underwire bras and you could get lightheaded on Ben Gay fumes. There were also a distressing number of concertgoers on Hover Round scooters.

Depressing, that.

But still, a good time was had by all, especially Native American Nurse. I strongly suspect the last time an Indian got that drunk, Manhattan got sold for a handful of beads and a few trinkets.

ZZ Top still effin’ rocks, too.

And on a good day, so do I.

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