Strict Constructionist

Overheard in the truck Sunday:

Ambulance Driver: “You don’t want mustard on your corn dog? Why?

KatyBeth: “Because mustard is yucky, Daddy.”

AD: “But.. but… you can’t eat a corn dog without mustard! Everybody knows that. It’s the law!”

KB: “It is not the law. There’s nothing in the Constitution about mustard. We learned the Bill of Rights in school.”

AD: “But… but… it’s in the Declaration of Independence! You know, “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?’ That sort of thing?”

KB: “Doesn’t say anything in there about mustard, Daddy.”

AD: “Yeah, but my happiness means lots of mustard on my corn dogs.”

KB (sighing): “You can’t just say it means whatever you want it to mean, Daddy. You can put whatever yucky stuff you want to on your corn dog, but don’t be tellin’ me what to put on mine.”

P3wned by a 7-year-old.

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