For Those Of You With My Personal EMail Address…

… hopefully you know me well enough to know that it is highly unlikely for me to be begging all my friends for 1500 British pounds to pay my hotel bill after I was mugged at gunpoint.

Far more likely would be me emailing you for a) bail money because I managed to get the mugger’s gun and shoot him with it, or b) crossword puzzles and copies of Guns and Ammo and Concealed Carry magazines to read while I’m in the hospital, because Plan A failed miserably.

Somebody hacked my AOL address book, folks. If you got one of those emails, delete it immediately.

To make matters worse, AOHell seems to have screwed things up royally, because some time in the last 24 hours, they were doing “routine maintenance” and managed to lose  the contents of a bunch of their customers’ email folders, archives and address books.

Funny how the phishing attack almost directly coincides with their routine maintenance and loss of their customers’ data, innit?

If you have pending correspondence with me at that email addy, send it to me again, please. I place little faith in their being able to recover all my stuff.

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