New Friends, And Those Yet Unmet

One thing I love about my annual trips to EMS Today is the chance to socialize with good friends I don’t get to see all that often, and make new ones.

TOTWTYTR and I have been brothers from another mother for close to five years now, but we’ve talked to each other over the various EMS internet forums for at least ten.

The list of Bloggers I’ve Met grows with each conference, and I added a few names to it from EMS Today 2011. I’ll not try to mention you all for fear of leaving someone out, but if you’ll check the Blogroll O’ Doom, you should find yourselves there.

Saturday, TOTWTYR and I had the privilege of sharing dinner with two of my favorite people in the blogosphere; Calvin’s Mom, and Dr. Lucy Hornstein, aka #1 Dinosaur, and both their spouses.

Go ahead, wallow in envy. It is indeed great to be me.

Calvin’s Mom cooked a great meal, beer and great stories were shared, and new memories made. Whenever three people with defective internal censors are in the same room, the dinner conversation may not be  printable, but it certainly is memorable, and I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time.

I'm the shmuck with my arm around Kaplan's best author...

I enjoyed every bit of it, and we’ll definitely do this again.

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