Thank You, Al Gore, Steve Jobs and Sergey Brin!

Headed home from the NRA Annual Meeting in a few hours, and I stopped to fuel up the rental car before returning it.

Only to discover, much to my chagrin, that I could not figure out how to open the #%^*€!! fuel filler door, and the nice folks at Budget failed to provide me with a friggin’ owner’s manual for this crappy little crackerbox.

So, after looking like a monkey fornicating with a football for several minutes and enduring the indignant honk of one little hoochie mama who just had to fuel up at the one fuel island where I was parked, instead of a half-dozen other empty ones…

… I finally just Googled “fuel filler door release Nissan Versa” on my iPhone and found it.

I now feel marginally less incompetent than I did five minutes ago.

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