If you’re a shooter, and you don’t carry a first aid kit in you’re range bag, you’re leaving the house unprepared. Given the remote location and lack of appropriate first aid facilities at most shooting ranges, being prepared to treat yourself or your buddy until EMS arrives can literally mean the difference between life and death. Most ranges I frequent have no AED, their first aid kits amount to little more than a plastic box full of Bandaids and a few gauze pads, and the most absorbent dressings they have are found on a roll in the Porta John.
But equipment is only half the equation. Proper training is just as important.
A number of people over the years have approached me to teach first aid classes for shooters. Problem is, no such canned course exists. The only thing that comes close is Tactical Combat Casualty Care, which is primarily aimed at combat medics and corpsmen operating under battlefield conditions.
In other words, not for laypeople.
However, for any of you interested, I’m doing a Shooter Self Care class for Among The Leaves in Fort Worth. This is the same class that was so well-received the past two years at the NRA Annual Meeting. It’s designed by shooters, intended for shooters. We’ll cover:
- Adult single-rescuer CPR and AED use
- Recognition and management of life-threatening bleeding
- Use of combat tourniquets
- Hemostatic dressings
- Occlusive dressings
- Thoracic trauma treatment
- Eye injuries
The course includes a Self Care Basic Trauma Kit, 2 pack of Halo Chest Seals, and SOF Wide Tactical Tourniquet.
As you can see, these items list for right at $100 with taxes. The first fifteen participants get one of these as part of the class.
Class date and location are:
Friday, October 30
Elk Castle Shooting Sports
8240 West Fwy
Fort Worth, TX 76108
Phone: (817) 246-4622
Still a few open slots for the class. Sign up now, and I’ll see you in Fort Worth!
(Edit: Updated with correct date, October 30. That’s what you get when you copy/paste without proofreading.)