On Debate, Dissent, Manners and Public Apologies

I have one only one rule of conduct here on the blog, and it's a simple one: Engage in personal attacks toward me or another commenter, and you're gone.

I welcome debate, and I believe one of the hallmarks of intellectual honesty is the active solicitation of opposing viewpoints. I don't edit comments, and the few I have deleted were either spam or those that engaged in personal attacks that were beyond the pale. Just because I invite you into my house doesn't mean it's okay to shit on the carpet.

Recently, I swung the Ban Hammer at someone that really didn't have it coming. I had already banned a couple of immature children on that comment thread, and when his comment posted, I banned him too. The tone of his comment rankled me, and still does.

But in fairness, it wasn't a personal attack, and wasn't any less sarcastic than I have been on too many occasions to count. He didn't deserve to be banned. It shames me that I personally engaged in the very same "reasoned discourse" we so often deride our opponents on the issue for using.

So, Juan Der Meant, welcome back to the whitelist, and I apologize for my unduly harsh reaction to your comment. We're probably never going to agree on the subject of gun rights, but banning you here only makes the debate impossible, and that is not my wish.

You're welcome to comment here any time.


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