Are You An EMS Volunteer, Or Think You Know About EMS Volunteers?

There’s a new voice in the online EMS world, one that speaks for volunteer EMS.

Nancy Magee is a volunteer EMS guru with a successful business background, and if you’ve noticed my attitude about volunteer EMS shift over the last few years, she’s a big reason why. I still don’t think volunteerism as an institution is good for EMS, but I am convinced it is necessary for a large chunk of the country, and I have gained a far greater appreciation for volunteer EMTs.

She has convinced me that much of the conventional wisdom about volunteer EMS – and much of it that I believed – is simply wrong. She’s a very outside-the-box thinker when it comes to the challenges facing volunteer EMS, and how they can be overcome.

Go give her a welcome, share her stuff on social media with your fellow volunteers, and bookmark her for future reading. Volunteers now have another voice, and not one that simply repeats the same old things.

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