Thinking Blogger Linky Love

If you’ll look on my sidebar, you’ll see a little icon for the Thinking Blogger award. It’s a meme of sorts that circulates around, but flattering to receive nonetheless. I’ve been tagged a couple of times since the original, the latest time from Chas Clifton of Letter From Hardscrabble Creek.

I’m going to eschew linking the obvious choices of people like Tam, Lawdog, Kevin or Marko. Good reads, all of them. Hell, pretty much everyone on my Blogs I Read Every Day fits that description. Matt G tells a good story, and for the life of me I can’t figure out why he doesn’t get 500 visits a day. Perhaps it’s because he procrastinates on following through with a really good idea. *wink*

Instead I’m going to direct you to some of the lesser known names on my reciprocal blogroll. All of them are thinking bloggers, and deserve a wider readership than they get.

Bonnie of Squeaky Wheel Seeks Grease is enjoyable. Libertarian, sarcastic and always good for a rant. Check her out.

Musings of a Dinosaur
is a physician of the dying breed – a family practice physician in solo private practice. If you want intelligent discourse on current issues in health care and medicine, I’d highly recommend him.

Gay Cynic has a blog called Free Thinker, in which he discusses politics, gun rights and issues concerning the gay and lesbian community. If you believe in stereotypes, don’t bother visiting. If however, you’d be interested in a peek at the life and cares of a perfectly normal, intelligent and well-spoken individual who *gasp* just happens to be gay, give him a read.

Bob G always has some good commentary on his blog, Near The Salty City. Politics and guns. Good stuff.

Baby Medic and MedicMarch are both new medics, and both of them know how to tell a story. Give ’em a read, why don’t you?

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