I’ve Always Wanted To Be Known As A Gunslinger

How to Win a Fight With a Liberal is the ultimate survival guide for political arguments

My Conservative Identity:

You are an Anti-government Gunslinger, also known as a libertarian conservative. You believe in smaller government, states’ rights, gun rights, and that, as Reagan once said, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.’”

Take the quiz at www.FightLiberals.com


I’ve pretty much voted Republican in most elections, even though I’ve had to hold my nose a few times. Then again, there are a few times I’ve voted Democrat.

Before my initial foray into the blogosphere, I cooden even spel Libertarian, and now I are one.

Like The Hammer, I refuse to be nailed down with labels.

Hat tip to Chromed Curses.

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