Musings On Fandom…

From the Not Really Any Of My Business Files:

You see, I have a favorite blogger. This blogger has legions of flying monkeys worshipful acolytes adoring fans who also hang on her every written word, just like me. I’m not going to mention her by name, because really, it is none of my business. Her smarter acolytes probably know who I’m talking about.

But I am a huge fan. Can’t get enough of this particular blogger’s brand of snark.

I’ve heard that this blogger wouldn’t care to do a Blog Talk Radio interview because she thinks she has a voice made for silent movies.


Rather than shock her fans with the fact that she’s not a mezzo soprano, I’d think the more likely outcome from such an interview would be crashing Blog Talk Radio’s server with the avalanche of traffic it would generate.

Me, I’d be the first to call in to shriek like a berserk fanboy pay my respects.

Her fans oughta offer her some encouragement, and exhort her to give us a command snark performance.

If she’d still rather not do it, fine. Won’t make me any less of a fan.

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