
Quote of the week, from Say Uncle:

One caller alleged that there must be mass voter fraud going on. It’s a conspiracy! You see, according to every poll he’d seen on Al Gore’s internets, Ron Paul consistently was winning yet he couldn’t win primaries. Listen up, sparky, just because Ron Paul constantly comes in first on HotMILF’s Myspace poll edging out James T. Kirk and Gandolf with Kucinich placing a respectable fourth, it doesn’t mean your average Joe is voting for him. Deal with it.

Uncle replaces the words ‘Ron Paul’ with “/20~ p@/1” because he doesn’t want to be deluged by rabid political spammers Ron Paul supporters clicking in from search engines.

I use his real name for two reasons:

1. Typing it the way Uncle does gives me a headache.
2. I’m an unrepentant Sitemeter whore. I could use the hits.

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