You Know…

…I’ve always thought there was a certain something honorable in the old saying, “You call, we haul.”

No questions, no ambiguity, no moral quandary.

Call for and ambulance, an ambulance comes. The people on that ambulance will render the same care whether you’re homeless or wealthy, felon or cop, sinner or saint.

That’s what we do.

As loudly as I may occasionally bitch about the rampant system abuse I deal with on a daily basis, that lack of moral ambiguity is what keeps me doing it; I see honor in using my talents without regard to to recompense.

That’s why seeing this is so distressing. Actually, distressing is too weak a word. Morally repugnant covers it nicely.

If any of my fellow EMTs and paramedics out there are members of the International Association of EMTs and Paramedics, why not drop a line to your union leadership and ask them why the hell a labor union is whoring themselves out shilling for Big Pharmacy.

It’s bad enough that Robert Jarvik wasted what credibility he had among the medical community pushing Lipitor. Do you want to waste what little credibility you have among your members and the rest of the medical community?

Not kosher, IAEP. Not kosher at all.

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