And If You Act Now, We’ll Throw In A Sham-Wow For Free!*

A missive from the (old) publisher:

The economy is in the crapper, my rent is due, my 1974 Ford Pinto has four bald tires, and one of my favorite authors has jumped ship and signed with one of the big boys.

I should be begging the gubberment for a bailout like everyone else, but they seem to want to punish me for making, you know, sound business decisions, and giving my tax dollars to fat cats who didn’t.

So, no bailout for me, but I’m smiling anyway. AD’s got a potential steady revenue stream for the Double Wide Fund – one of my goals all along – and I’m still breathing.

Problem is, I’ve got all these books. Rows and rows and rows of books. A whole warehouse full of ’em. And they ain’t sellin’.

No, not all the books – just the ones AD wrote. So before I have to use the remaining stock to fuel the furnace for the winter, I’d like to move a few of ’em, and thus do my part to get the economy moving by offering the remaining books at a major discount.

I get to buy a swanky new set of whitewalls for the Pinto, you get to save some money, and together we get to save the economy! Now how sweet is that, folks?

You, AD’s loyal blogger friends and readers, can get Life, Death and Everything In Between for 50% off – that’s right, half price! – while supplies last. So get moving and buy, buy, buy or you may never be able to fill that gaping void in your literary edumacation!

This book is worth a million, sells to regular people for $22.95, but is available to you, because of our special relationship, for only $11.48 plus postage!

So make with the clicky and order the book, and here’s the slick part; when you reach the checkout, enter the sooper sekrit coupon code Sumdood in the little field there, and your cost will magically be cut in half!

You get a great book, I get to pay my bills for another month, and together we accomplish what a hundred idiot senators can’t – stimulate the economy! So what are you waiting for? Act now!


It’s a good deal, folks. The new publisher cleaned the book up quite a bit, added some stories from the blog, made it available in hardcover –sweet! – but some of the stories from the old book didn’t make the editorial cut. You’ll read stories there that haven’t appeared anywhere else.

*Not really. But we’ll gladly beat the hell outta that guy or Billy Mays, if one of y’all can get us an address.

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