…44th President of the United States.
Whether you voted for the man or not…
…whether you think his election heralds the change our country needs, or the ultimate triumph of style over substance…
…whether you agree with his policies, or not…
…he’s our President now.
And it’s time to stop bitching and whining and support our President.
No, I didn’t vote for the man. His views are polar opposites from my own. When he does something I don’t approve of, I’m going to rail about it publicly, but respectfully. I’m going to give him a chance to get it right, and when or if he does, I will be just as effusive in my praise as I am vocal in my criticism when he gets it wrong.
And for my fellow bitter clingers to religion and guns who might ask, “Why give him a chance that the left never gave George Bush?”
I’d ask that you consider whether you really want to model your behavior after the more strident sufferers of Bush Derangement Syndrome.
Come on now. Be better Americans than that.
We owe at least that to the office, if not the man.