I LOL’ed

From comments on my Barack Hussein Obama post:

“…Never has there been an assault on the 2nd amendment to the US Constitution. I do ask everyone to read it before suggesting that owning a fully automatic 30 round clip weapon somehow is defending their family.”

I don’t care who ya are, that’s funny right there.

When the document was written, the primary self defense weapon was the flintlock musket. So yeah, I don’t think our founding fathers had the AR15 or Mikhail Kalashnikov’s masterpiece in mind.

Then again, I don’t think they had typewriters, word processors or the Internet in mind when they formulated the First Amendment.

Never has there been an assault on the 1st amendment to the US Constitution. I do ask that everyone read it before suggesting that owning a computer and internet access somehow is expressing their right to free speech.

See how utterly silly that sounds? It’s about principles, not the particular tool we use.

Also, I’d challenge you to find me some cases where a fully automatic weapon with a thirty round magazine was used in the commission of a crime. You won’t find many, if you find any at all.

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