On Northern Hospitality

You know, being from the South and all, we kinda take pride in making people feel at home. You might say that hospitality is our bidness.

Well, if my reception at the Connecticut EMS Conference is any harbinger of the kind of hospitality I’ll see for the rest of the trip, I’m gonna like my little sojourn into New England immensely. These are some genuinely nice folks, and they have a knack for making a humble paramedic feel like a rock star.

So much so, in fact, that in my proposals for next year’s conference, I’m gonna demand hookers and blow, and a punch bowl filled with green M&M candies, just to see if they’ll do it. That’ll be the ultimate test.

Tomorrow night, the Northeast Bloggers’ dinner, and meeting some of my favorite bloggers and readers, followed by shooting on Monday. I am way pumped.

Pics and snarky commentary to commence soon.

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