Dear Former Student…

… when you are inside the ER unloading a patient, and I turn all the climate control knobs in your ambulance to HOT, and turn up the fan…

… think of it as a harmless little practical joke, a lighthearted teasing between brothers in the fraternity of EMS. If I didn’t like you, I wouldn’t have even bothered.

And retaliating by hanging punctured IV bags from every ceiling hook in my ambulance, while elegantly simple and effective, is a bit of a nuclear response to something so trivial as a stuffy ambulance cab.

Gotta hand it to you, though… as I was mopping the lake of saline* from the floor of my ambulance, I was so proud. I obviously taught you well.

Well, everything that you know. But certainly not every trick I know.

It’s on now, beeyotch.

*By the way, saline??? That’s so bush league. A dextrose solution would have been much stickier.

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