While I Was At The Texas EMS Conference…

… my little girl celebrated her seventh birthday.

Thankfully, her Mom was willing to let her tag along with me to the conference, so KatyBeth was perhaps the only seven-year-old to have her birthday party planned, supplied and attended by bloggers.

The JFK Suite at the Fort Worth Hilton certainly outclasses the party room at Chuck E. Cheese, that’s for sure.

On Sunday, my good friend Valerie DeFrance, founder and owner of the first -and still best – EMS site on the web, and I took KatyBeth to the Fort Worth Zoo:

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Chimpanzees... sharing 96% common DNA with humans, and 99.9% common behaviors with Borg dispatchers.

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Thanks to TOTWTYTR and my friend Angie and her sister, party supplies and gifts were in abundance.

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Of course, KatyBeth was more than thrilled:

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And while we’re talking about gifts, my brother from another mother TOTWTYTR became a grandfather for the first time. Woot!

On Wednesday, we all retired to Mule Breath’s for steaks, venison and good beer, and KatyBeth got a chance to try out her Big Birthday Present, the one that TOTWTYTR says puts me in the running for coolest. Dad. Evar.

Gee Daddy, this is the best birthday present EVAR!

Gee Daddy, this is the best birthday present EVAR!

That’s a new Smith & Wesson M&P AR15 in .22 LR. And in case you’re wondering, yes that is a peace symbol on her shirt. Is anyone else thinking of Private Joker’s helmet in Full Metal Jacket?


In all, the last three weeks have been extremely hectic, but nonetheless provided a much-needed boost of inspiration. Regular blogging to resume shortly, folks.

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