RIP, Frankenhoopty: 2000-2010

Yeah, that'll buff right out.

Yeah, that'll buff right out.

Sure was a good truck. The search for Frankenhoopty II continues…

Sorry no blog posts for the past couple of days. Amongst the searching for new vehicles and a lending company reckless compassionate enough to approve a financing agreement for me, tonight is the first shift in a very long while where my UHU stands a good chance of reaching 1.0.

For you non-EMS types, UHU means Unit Hour Utilization, which basically means I’ve transported a patient an hour for the past 12 hours. That’s in between responses where we got canceled en route, or got refusals, or just an endless series of post changes which had us wandering around the city like the dizzy kid playing Pin The Tail On The Donkey.

In other words, they’re riding my ass like a rented mule, folks. Hopefully I’ll post something meaningful this weekend…

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