Rookie Partner IV

With Rookie Partner III’s acceptance into the accelerated paramedic program, for the past month I’ve been making do with a revolving cast of swing shift EMTs and members of other crews picking up overtime shifts.

Yesterday I met my new permanent (for now) partner, RP IV.

Apparently The Borg is now promoting directly from the EMS Explorer Post to a full-time spot on the rig. Seriously, the kid looks about fifteen.I think he shaves with a lint brush, and checks himself in the mirror every morning for that glorious day when his pubes finally come in.

He also has the annoying habit of calling me “Sir” a lot, asking for permission to go to the bathroom, and apologizing for every. thing. that. happens.

He also drives like an octogenarian grandma on Quaaludes. On our last emergency call, we got passed by a guy on a Hoverround scooter.

I give it three months before he goes from this:


To this:


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