A Bleg For My Texas Peeps

Come this fall, TOTWTYTR and I will be doing our usual schtick at the Texas EMS Conference in Austin, from November 21-24.

Many of you who follow his blog know that he’s a paramedic with no small amount of wisdom to share, a pretty astute political observer, and a gun blogger of sorts, as well.

What he’s never done, is hunt.

So when my buddy comes to Texas this fall, I’d like to arrange a hunting trip for him. Something simple, without paying exorbitant trophy and guide fees.

In other words, a hog hunt.

What I need are recommendations for ranches that offer guided hog hunts within an easy drive of Austin, at reasonable prices.

Unguided hunts by permission of the landowner would be nice, but since we only have a narrow window (November 19-20) to hunt, I won’t have any time for scouting, and I prefer not to wander around unfamiliar land willy-nilly in the hopes that we’ll stumble over a hog.

Hopefully, I’ll be able to convince a few other friends to tag along (looking at you, Mule Breath, Matt G. and LawDog).

Perhaps, with an attractive enough group package, some of us might even be willing to pen a wee testimonial on our blogs.

So, any suggestions?

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