Meet the New Partner

Rookie Partner V is starting to look like a good one. He’s not a total doofus, at least, and he occasionally says something amusing, plus he can drive at night, stay awake, and do stuff without asking my permission first.  That alone makes him a big improvement over Rookie Partner IV, who bailed after less than a month on nights.

But I’m going to have to find something to call him besides Rookie Partner. I’m not George Foreman, you know. I can’t name all my partners the same thing, and the stories in which they take part are starting to run together in my head.

Since Bitchy Partner, I’ve had five full-time partners, counting this one. All of them, with the exception of Rookie Partner I, had less than a month’s experience as an EMT, and even RP I had less than a year of EMS experience.

Since Rookie Partner III looked just like Ferris Bueller, and Rookie Partner IV looked just like Eddie Munster with a Beatles haircut, I’ve decided to name all future partners after the television character they most resemble in looks and temperament.

So since Rookie Partner V looks, talks and acts just like this Guy:

He shall forever be named… Kelso.

I sense much future blog fodder from this one.

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