Night and Day

I’ve read quite a few EMS books in my day, and most of them are of the “Look at me, I’m a hero!” variety.

Two notable exceptions to that rule are the books of Peter Canning, and Rescuing Providence, by Lt. Michael Morse.

If you’ve read the blog of the same name, you realize that Michael Morse is one of those rare EMS authors that writes with humor, wit, and heart. He’s an excellent wordsmith, and his portrayal of EMS is as real as it gets.

Now, Michael has found a publisher for the Rescuing Providence sequel, Night and Day, provided he can get 1500 pre-orders.

There’s no order link as of yet, but you can simply go by his blog and leave a comment that you’d be willing to buy one. Stop by occasionally for updates, and pre-order yourself one when a link becomes available.

Read Michael’s blog (or heck, his first book), for a taste of what’s in store.

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