Kilted to Kick Cancer Spotlight: Former Action Guy

I'd like to point you to Former Action Guy, another blogger who accepted the Kilted to Kick Cancer fundraising challenge. I blogrolled him shortly after he began blogging, but for the life of me, I can't explain why I never added him to my feed reader.

That oversight has been corrected, however. He's got some good stuff over there, particularly the stories of his military exploits. He's got added motivation for this challenge because his father is a prostate cancer survivor.


He's retired from U.S. Special Forces, an EMT, runner, security professional, competitive pistol shooter, reserve deputy sheriff, and high school sports official. You can support his fundraising efforts for the Prostate Cancer Foundation here, and LiveStrong here. Drop by his blog and tell him you support what he's doing, and drop a few bucks in the hat for cancer research while you're there. If even 20 people who read this donate only $5 each, we'd be $100 toward a very worthy cause. Every little bit helps.

He's Former Action Guy, and he's Kilted to Kick Cancer.

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