For You EMS Newbies…

… Episode 81 is up on Confessions of an EMS Newbie.

Ron and I discuss the bane of his existence, the NREMT pediatric airway skills station, talk about medic math, and answer a few listener questions.

We're looking for a new Newbie, folks. As you may have noticed from the infrequency of new episodes, Ron and I are running out of new things to talk about.

So if you're an EMT student (we'd like real newbies, not people with years of experience just entering medic school) with an engaging on-air personality and the time to commit to a weekly podcast all the way through paramedic school, drop us a line.

Better yet, send us your listener questions and express your willingness to discuss it on air, and we'll treat it as your live audition.

So make with the clicky and send us your questions!

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