Just When You Despair of Today’s Youth…

…you find an example like this.

One of the common refrains among the EMS instructors I spoke with this weekend was the general decline in the quality of students.

Everyone has horror stories of EMT students with impressive, shiny GPAs and high school transcripts that still only have the most tenuous command of the English language. Spelling and grammar are atrocious, and the ability to converse beyond internet slang is apparently too difficult for many. Asking them to form a coherent thought and express it in a research paper or patient care report is an exercise in frustration.

The consensus was that American children, in another couple of generations, will have devolved to the point that their communication skills will consist primarily of grunts, hoots and crude gestures.

Lunofajro over at Rainy Day Dreams has a teenage daughter who, when asked to write a poem describing who she was and from whence she came, wrote the following:

I Am From

I am from sweet potato pies, fried chicken and pinto beans.
I am from birthday parties with a BBQ with all the fixin’s.
I am from my special green blanket, softer than a bunny rabbit.
I am from midnight walks down my street.

I am from a neighborhood with a long straight road lined with red and purple flowering trees.
I am from Allen Road, Sugarloaf, and others.
I am from North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, and Tennessee…

There is more, and you should read it all.

I bitch as much as anyone about the ignorance of today’s kids, and I, like many others, lament the decline of the US educational system. I also believe that when we discover kids deserving of praise, we should offer it loudly and publicly.

This young lady is deserving of praise. Drop by and give her some, would you?

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