Prostate Cancer Awareness month and Kilted to Kick Cancer 2012 is only four months away. Have you got your kilt?
Last year's campain raised roughly $11,000, or will as soon as Caleb gets through shooting the Bianchi Cup in a couple of weeks. For every X Caleb shoots in both classes at Bianchi cup, he's donating $1 to LiveStrong, and Todd at Pistol-Training.Com has agreed to match it. I'm rooting for The World's Most Dangerous Hobbit to shoot like Doc Holliday and Dave Sevigny combined, and hopefully we can add a few hundred more dollars to our 2011 total.
I'm also praying for embarassing video footage of wardrobe malfunctions, because I'm just evil that way. Besides, wearing a kilt while competing at arguably the nation's most prestigious action pistol match? That's just made of win, y'all.
To raise as much as we did in such a short time, with so little lead time to plan, qualifies as a major accomplishment no matter which way you slice it. But for me, the biggest accomplishment was this email I got from a reader:
Kelly, I owe you a bit of thanks. I read your blogs all the time and for being 58 I'm in really good health. However after listening to your push for Prostate Cancer awareness I went in and got checked out. Much to my surprise they found a nodule Gleason 7 Type 3. Never had any prostate symptoms. Detected Dec 20 removed Feb 6th. With no complication! So thank you, God only knows when/if it would have been detected without your preaching.
And yet, last month also saw the father of a good friend lose his long battle with prostate cancer. We can't even begin to pat ourselves on the back, not yet.
So this year, we're aiming higher. We want a Kilted representative in every state, and we want to raise $50,000 by the end of September. Go over to the Kilted To Kick Cancer website, and click on the Team KTKC map to sign up as a rep for your state.
We want that entire map blanketed in teal well before September, so sign up now!
Same as last year, I'll be hosting the fundraising challenge here on my blog. I'm still rounding up prize sponsors, but there promises to be some schweet guns and gear for the top three fundraisers. There are, however, a few changes to the rules from last year:
- There are no 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prize packages. All prizes packages will be roughly equal in value, with some slightly different guns and gear. 1st place winner gets his/her choice of prize package, 2nd place winner gets to choose from the remaining two packages, and 3rd place winner gets the remaining package.
- I'm declaring myself ineligible for prizes this year. I'm still going to participate, and my goal is to put you all to shame in the fundraising department, but someone else is going to win the prize this year.
- If you can't/won't go kilted, post a KTKC badage on your blog.
And, just as a teaser of some of the stuff the top fundraisers are going to receive, take a gander!
Representative sample. Not the actual pistol.
A talented group of student gunsmiths from one of the country's finest gunsmithing schools are going to strap on their kilts and build, from scratch, a matched pair of Queen Anne dueling pistols, in custom hardwood display box, for one of our prize packages. These are some talented guys, and I'm impressed by the quality of their work.
The above pic is a trapper pistol built by one of the 'smiths who will be building the KTKC pistols. The photo doesn't do the pistol justice. That gold filigree was made by engraving the metal, and then pounding gold wire into the engraving, and it looks and feels like it was painted on there, it's that smooth.
I'll post new pics and links as I get more prize sponsors, so y'all get to signing up!
*Hear that, Motorcop? That's the sound of a gauntlet being thrown. If Caleb can run and gun through the equivalent of two pistol matches wearing a kilt, the least you could do is show up kilted to your next firearms qualification. And post range pics. 😉