Please Vote, For a Good Cause!

Guys, my good friend and fellow EMS blogger Chris Kaiser has put up the Bat Signal.

Chris is in a contest for a bathroom remodel, one that is sorely needed but he can't afford on his salary. His soon-to-be stepson, Connor, is a special needs kid and needs assistance that cannot be provided in the current iteration of his bathroom.

Now, you guys know about KatyBeth, so it goes without saying that I have a special fondness for children with special healthcare needs and the dedicated parents who care for those kids. I'd really, really, REALLY like to see Chris, Amy and Connor win this contest. 

We need your help. It doesn't require any money from you, just your support.

Go hit up his site and read the post to learn how you can help, and please, vote early and vote often.

Like the Facebook page while you're at it, and spread the word to your network of Facebook friends. He's only a few hundred votes behind, and I'm dead certain that my readers and our extended network can overcome that gap.

So please, do me and Chris a solid, and go vote for him. I know Connor and his parents would appreciate it, and I can't think of a family I'd like to help out more than them.

Did I forget to mention that you should vote early and often, and tell your network of friends to do the same?

Onward, my legion of flying monkeys! Together, we shall put Chris over the top!


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