Attention Kilted Fundraisers!

Make absolutely certain your donations are being credited to your 2013 campaign.


Some of our donors have inadvertently donated to the 2012 campaign, probably by using old links bookmarked in their browsers, or it's possible that some of our fundraisers didn't update their blogs with current links.

It's no big deal, the money still goes to the charity you intended, but it doesn't get credited to your current fundraising totals. I'll try to get that glitch ironed out in the next few days, but in the meantime, make sure your donors use the links to your 2013 fundraising page.

If you suspect a donation on your behalf has been mistakenly credited to last year's campaign, simply contact your donor, and have them forward their donation receipt to my email, and I'll make sure your fundraising totals are credited appropriately.

Get Kilted, and get checked!

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