Below are the fundraising totals as of 0700 CST, Saturday, September 27.
There are still $520 in donations that may have been claimed by teams or the donors in comments, we’re leaving those undesignated for now. Those totals will be added in at the end, don’t worry about the funds you have already received! Worry about the ones you still need to get!
Team | Amount | Donations |
Team JayG | 1841 | 40 |
Team Borepatch | 1645 | 29 |
Team Ambulance Driver | 865 | 14 |
Team HBC Concealment | 818 | 11 |
Team USA Karate | 735 | 8 |
Team McThag | 750 | 12 |
Team Old NFO | 620 | 13 |
Undesignated | 520 | 11 |
Team Maltby | 460 | 8 |
Team Brosius | 365 | 7 |
Team Happy Medic | 225 | 4 |
Team Soul Crusher | 180 | 6 |
Team Coykendall | 130 | 4 |
Team BWall | 85 | 5 |
Team Guns & Coffee | 76 | 6 |
Team Jason Gardiner | 70 | 2 |
Team Oddball | 20 | 1 |
Team Unwired Medic | 20 | 1 |
Team Team Fe na Dli | 20 | 1 |
Team Corpus Christi | 10 | 1 |
We’re at $9,455, guys. We are THIS close to the $10,000 mark!
It’s time to call in favors, beg, take bets, and issue challenges, dares and double dog dares! Keep your foot on the gas!
While our fundraising drive and contest end at the end of September, our kilted efforts will not. Cancer doesn’t suck for a month, then chill out all year long so neither will we. Stay tuned for how Kilted to Kick Cancer will be making regular appearances each month and all year long!
Also thanks to your efforts, polo shirts and new T-shirts are in the works for you to actually wear to work without having to explain the guy bent over in a kilt. But isn’t that kind of the point?
Get out there and let’s reach for $10,000!