Kilted to Kick Cancer 2013 Begins At Midnight!

Are you ready?

In 2011, we raised $12,000.

In 2012, we doubled that.

For 2013, can we double that? Can we raise $50,000 in thirty days?

Well, that part is up to you. Go read the facts about male-specific cancers, sign up to raise funds, or donate to one of our kilted fundraisers. There's a sweet set of prizes for our top three fundraisers, but that's not why you should participate.

You should participate because, in a gathering of six of your male friends and loved ones, one of them is going to get prostate cancer.

And if he gets it, he's got a 1 in 6 chance of dying from it. It kills more men than any cancer except lung cancer. Some of our kilted fundraisers are prostate cancer survivors. Some of them had fathers, brothers or close family members diagnosed with prostate cancer.

Wearing a kilt all month will raise awareness for male-specific cancers. You may use those curious stares to strike up a conversation, and convince some guy to schedule an exam that might literally save his life.

Besides, the chicks really dig it.

But we need to do more than raise awareness. Research requires money, and that's where you guys come in. Donate what you can, to whom you can.

At midnight, my donation links will go active on the left sidebar of this blog. Click one of them, and give what your heart moves you to give.

Or don't. Support another fundraiser instead. I won the fundraising challenge the first year. Jay G. won it last year, spanking the rest of us handily. Nothing would please me more than to see yet another person win it this year, after a spirited race down to the wire that nets us $50k for cancer research. That'll be my victory.

Over the course of the month, I'll be highlighting members of the Kilted Army, and the generous sponsors who donated merchandise for the prize packages. Over on my sidebar, you'll see the donors who supported us last year. Click on their links, because without them, we'd have been dead in the water.

And if any of you know any civic-minded FFL dealers who'd be willing to donate a gun to the prize packages, send 'em my way. I'd love to sweeten the pot even further.

Are you ready? Get Kilted!


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